Practicing Your Swing at Home: All You Need is a Baseball Tee and Hitting Net

You don’t need to be out on the diamond to make your swing the best it can be. All you need is a baseball tee, hitting net, and your own backyard to ensure that the next time you step out, you can own that batter’s box whatever your age might be.

  • For young hitters, tee work is important to help flatten out a swing and hit the ball solidly and cleanly off the tee without knocking it over. 
  • For more experienced hitters, tee work can be used to hold the ball steady so you can break down every aspect of your swing with a static target.

These baseball hitting drills are meant to replace bad habits commonly seen at-the-plate with good ones that make your swing strong, short, and consistent every time. With a baseball tee and hitting net from Baseball Express, you can run the drill, easily scoop the balls right back up, and start all over again. After all, the more you swing away, the stronger hitter you become. 

View All Hitting Drills Baseball Equipment

1. Basic Soft Toss / Hitting Tee Drill

TOTAL TIME: 5 – 10 Minutes


PURPOSE: This basic drill helps you fully understand your swing, from the positioning of your hands and feet to using your hips to drive the barrel of the bat all the way through the baseball. 


  • The baseball tee should position the baseball in the middle of your strike zone
  • The soft toss net should be a couple feet from you 

Get into a comfortable batting stance and take full-speed hacks, concentrating on driving the baseball into the center of the net each time. Scoop the balls back up and try again as often as it takes for you to nail down every aspect of your swing.

2. Walk Up Drill

Duration: 5-10 minutes


PURPOSE: This drill works on many important aspects of the swing including balance, bat control, lower half rotation, and maximizing power output. 


  • The baseball tee should position the baseball in the middle of your strike zone
  • The baseball net should be a couple feet from you 

Starting a few feet back, stride toward the ball while loading your hands and beginning the swing. As you stride, lead with your lower half and rotate the hips through to the pitcher. Attack the baseball, finishing with your back facing toward home plate. 

You will want to perform this drill as many times as it takes until you feel that you are utilizing all of your built-up strength to exert into the baseball. Ultimately, this will help train your body to exert this full-force power in a normal swing without having to perform the walk-up.

3. Stance Drill

DURATION:  20 Minutes


PURPOSE: By practicing different stances, you can find the most powerful ones fit for you. You can then standardize your swing and help create muscle memory in whichever stance you choose to take at-bat.


  • The baseball tee should position the baseball in the middle of your strike zone
  • The baseball net should be about six to eight feet in front of you

Get into the batting stance that you feel most comfortable with—perhaps it’s the one you’ve always had—and start taking some hacks with a baseball bat or practice stick.

After 10 swings in one stance, try standing a different way. It may feel off at first, but you may find that you can generate more power or bat speed in a new way. Keep trying different stances until you find one that has a swing that works best for you. 

During this 20 minute drill, you can keep swinging until it feels habitual and your body can take over with its natural mechanics.

4. High Tee Drill

DURATION: 5-10 minutes


PURPOSE: Keeping swing short and powerful.


  • The baseball tee should be adjusted higher so that the position of the baseball is at chest height
  • The baseball net should be about six to eight feet in front of you

Many hitters have the issue of having too long of a swing which causes the barrel to drop underneath the ball resulting in pop ups. When performing this drill, get into a comfortable hitting stance and try hitting a hard line drive. 

The most important part of this drill is hitting it hard and being careful to stay on top of the ball.