mindset tips

  1. What is a Slump and How to Get Out of It

    What is a Slump and How to Get Out of It

    Ever heard the term “I can’t even buy a hit”? Well, if you were trying to describe what a slump is in the game of baseball, that phrase pretty much sums it up. Now, as this can be one of the most frustrating parts of being a hitter, there are ways to break out of it before it gets too deep, or ways that you can slowly bust out of these weird phases. So, if you’re currently in a slump or want to know what to do when it comes, we have some tips on how to break out of it!

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  2. Why Being Coachable Outweighs Talent

    Why Being Coachable Outweighs Talent

    Alright, we have all heard the famous saying “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”, but is that always the case?

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